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Showing posts from September, 2022

Independency is a myth

To the extent someone loves is the extent someone pains. All the statements given or taken while loving are valid until they are apart. Love requires dependency on each other. Once they do not need each other, they do not love each other. The prime factor of being in love is to need each other. Independency is a myth. Human needs human to fill the emotional void. To fulfil the spiritual void for instance, human needs to talk with the Creator. Similarly, to fulfill the emotional void, a person needs to socialize with other human being.  It is not only financial dependency or physical intimacy that bounds a couple to live together but, more than that, it is emotional turmoil at many stages of life when they require a long and deep hug. Therefore people need life partners to listen to one another, to encourage time to time and give one another a push from the back. There is someone behind every successful person.


  Contentment Lies in... giving helping hand  showing gratitude  keeping clean mind, place, and clothes  being punctual to scheduled tasks  realizing the things and blessings that you have got  showing respect, concern, politeness to the people spending some time with yourself and nature creating something out of your creativity etc.